
Video Game Ads are probably some of the most troublesome ads online. Why is that? Well, because half of them are false!

What I mean by false is that there are many mobile video game ads on social platforms that will show false gameplay videos just to get app store downloads. With that being said, todays Playing game from ads features a mobile game named “Screw Pin Jam Puzzle.

The ad depicts the game as a puzzle game that has the player unjam screws that are intertwined via bolts. However, as we always learn, the game doesn’t play like this. The game actually plays by having the user remove screws from a multi layer board and place the screw by color in 3’s within a box of their corresponding color. So, with that, we have our first lie in terms of gameplay style and even graphics!

Our next disappointment comes after finding out the game is essentially an ad farm for the developers. See, the player is provided with two color boxes at a time to place screws in. However, there are 4 boxes and the player is forced to watch ads to unlock each of the other boxes.

we are about 94ish reviews into this series on Tiktok & YouTube and no one has ever answered the most important question behind this series: Are people really downloading and playing these games? Other than me of course!